Muvico och Wiregrass
Vilken super bra present, du får då till det. Ja tänker nu duka upp för Fredags myset. Härligt med Fre o veta att man kan sova länge i morgon. Hoppas att ni får det varmare hos er snart själv är man ju van att frysa här i Sweden. Kramar till er alla ifrån oss alla.
Hej! Kallt - du menar som här på Solkusten...!!! Vi har varit på Fransk Restaurang o ätit sniglar o stekt gåslever - mums - något för Freddan kanske!!
Puss o Kram
We still have our Opel.
How much DOLLAR was it Fredrik.
We still have some problems with the noise (it sounds like a cat - is somebody missing one) somewhere in the front when we are turning the curves. We just bought some lottery and we hope we will win DOLLARS to buy a Jeep or a Big Fat Fucking Volvo..!!
All the best from your poor friends - we hope you will think about us when you have some spare time when you are not spending DOLLARS or swimming in your FUCKING POOL. You neighbors from Mexico - Felizes Fiestas, Besos
Big Kiss Diana and Mike
Hej Asa,
Jag tror Ni har varmare an vad vi har. Har ar det riktigt kallt. Gaslever ar inget for mig. Det ar husmanskost for hinduer.
Puss o Kram
And to Diana and Mike that apears to have the same IP address as Asa, I can only say that I feel sorry for you having a strange cat in your Opel. It must be difficult for you to find it as it´s only makes noice when you turning the curves. I mean to look for a cat at the same time as you are driving - that's challange. I wish you the ver best with your lottery and hope you get some dollars to buy a new cat.......or car.
Sincearly Fredrik